We have contacts with Internet Service Providers all around the world and we spend a lot of time making sure that our IPs are not blacklisted. However, there are literally hundreds of lists and we only monitor the most important ones. This is the list of addresses we monitor. If the one you are looking for is not in there, please log a ticket to let us know about it.
- 0spam-killlist.fusionzero.com
- 0spam.fusionzero.com
- 88.blacklist.zap
- abuse-contacts.abusix.org
- accredit.habeas.com
- all.ascc.dnsbl.bit.nl
- all.dnsbl.bit.nl
- all.s5h.net
- all.v6.ascc.dnsbl.bit.nl
- aspews.ext.sorbs.net
- b.barracudacentral.org
- b.barracudacentral.org
- bb.barracudacentral.org
- bbm.2ch.net
- bbx.2ch.net
- bitonly.dnsbl.bit.nl
- bl.emailbasura.org
- bl.spamcannibal.org
- bl.spamcop.net
- blacklist.netcore.co.in
- blacklist.sci.kun.nl
- bsb.empty.us
- bsb.spamlookup.net
- cbl.abuseat.org
- cbl.abuseat.org
- cbl.anti-spam.org.cn
- cbl.anti-spam.org.cn
- cblless.anti-spam.org.cn
- cblless.anti-spam.org.cn
- cblplus.anti-spam.org.cn
- cblplus.anti-spam.org.cn
- cdl.anti-spam.org.cn
- cdl.anti-spam.org.cn
- cml.anti-spam.org.cn
- combined.abuse.ch
- contacts.abuse.net
- dnsbl-1.uceprotect.net
- dnsbl.ahbl.org
- dnsbl.anticaptcha.net
- dnsbl.burnt-tech.com
- dnsbl.cyberlogic.net
- dnsbl.dronebl.org
- dnsbl.ipocalypse.net
- dnsbl.mags.net
- dnsbl.mcu.edu.tw
- dnsbl.njabl.org
- dnsbl.othello.ch
- dnsbl.rv-soft.info
- dnsbl.sorbs.net
- dnsbl6.anticaptcha.net
- drone.abuse.ch
- dul.blackhole.cantv.net
- ex.dnsbl.org
- fnrbl.fast.net
- forbidden.icm.edu.pl
- hil.habeas.com
- hog.blackhole.cantv.net
- httpbl.abuse.ch
- in.dnsbl.org
- ipbl.zeustracker.abuse.ch
- ips.backscatterer.org
- ipv6.all.dnsbl.bit.nl
- ircbl.ahbl.org
- l1.apews.org
- l1.bbfh.ext.sorbs.net
- l2.apews.org
- l2.bbfh.ext.sorbs.net
- l3.bbfh.ext.sorbs.net
- l4.bbfh.ext.sorbs.net
- list.anonwhois.net
- list.bbfh.org
- list.blogspambl.com
- list.dnswl.org
- new.spam.dnsbl.sorbs.net
- niku.2ch.net
- old.spam.dnsbl.sorbs.net
- orvedb.aupads.org
- pbl.spamhaus.org
- plus.bondedsender.org
- query.bondedsender.org
- rbl.abuse.ro
- rbl.blakjak.net
- rbl.choon.net
- rbl.dns-servicios.com
- rbl.efnet.org
- rbl.efnetrbl.org
- rbl.fasthosts.co.uk
- recent.spam.dnsbl.sorbs.net
- rhsbl.ahbl.org
- rhsbl.blackhole.cantv.net
- rot.blackhole.cantv.net
- rsbl.aupads.org
- rwl.choon.net
- sbl.spamhaus.org
- spam.abuse.ch
- spam.blackhole.cantv.net
- spam.dnsbl.anonmails.de
- spam.dnsbl.sorbs.net
- tor.dan.me.uk
- tor.efnet.org
- torexit.dan.me.uk
- ubl.unsubscore.com
- uribl.abuse.ro
- uribl.zeustracker.abuse.ch
- vote.drbl.caravan.ru
- vote.drbl.gremlin.ru
- vote.drbldf.dsbl.ru
- whitelist.sci.kun.nl
- work.drbl.caravan.ru
- work.drbl.gremlin.ru
- work.drbldf.dsbl.ru
- zz.countries.nerd.dk