Here is a list of everything you can find in the logs. You can download logs by day in the "Operations" tab under "Activity Logs". Note that we only keep logs for two weeks before deleting them, so make sure to back them up if you need to go back more than two weeks in your logs.

Events we track, by name:

  • Blocked
    When we receive a notification from a recipient's servers that an email of yours has been blocked for spam or content reasons.
  • Bounce
    When we receive a bounce for an email of yours. We don't differentiate between soft and hard bounce. We keep trying until our bounce engine decides a bounce is hard.
  • Click
    When the recipient clicks a link in your email.
  • Error
    When there is an email structure or other internal error.
  • Filtered
    When we filter an email of yours and it is not sent out. This includes “Previously known Permanent Failures”, “Unsubscribed Addresses” and “Spam Reporting Addresses”.
  • Mails Delivered
    When a message is sent from our server to the final recipient.
  • Mails Received
    When a message reaches our server.
  • Open
    When the recipient opens an email. Counted only for HTML emails and image-view-enabled recipients.
  • Spam report
    When a user has reported an email of yours as spam to an ISP within our Feedback Loop.
  • Unsubscribed
    When the recipient unsubscribed from your email traffic.