Here are a few steps that might help you if you are experiencing trouble setting up Critsend.

  • Verify that your firewall is correctly set up (port 25, 587 should be open, or port 465 if you are using ssl)
  • Check that there is no space in front of your password or username in your setup file
  • Check that you can connect to using Telnet on port 25. If you don't get an error message, it means that everything is working fine.
    On Mac and Linux, you can access Telnet simply by opening a terminal and using the following command line: "telnet 25"
    On Windows machine, you might have to activate telnet before it is available to use. Here  is a tutorial showing you how to achieve it on Windows 8. You can then use the following command line from your terminal: 
    "telnet 25"
If none of this works, please log a ticket.