You can easily setup PHPList for CritSend by editing a few configuration and administration files.
In lists/config/config.php, the following lines should look like:
In lists/config/config.php, the following lines should look like:
define ("TEST",0); define("PHPMAILERHOST",''); $phpmailer_smtpuser = ''; $phpmailer_smtppassword = ''; $phpmailer_smtpsecure = 'tls'; $phpmailer_smtpport = '25';In /lists/admin/class.phplistmailer.php, replace the if statement after "$this->Host = PHPMAILERHOST;" with this:
$this->Username = $GLOBALS['phpmailer_smtpuser']; $this->Password = $GLOBALS['phpmailer_smtppassword']; $this->SMTPSecure = $GLOBALS['phpmailer_smtpsecure']; $this->Port = $GLOBALS['phpmailer_smtpport'];Finally, In /lists/admin/phpmailer/class.smtp.php, replace:
$this->smtp_conn = fsockopen($host, # the host of the serverWith:
$this->smtp_conn = fsockopen($host='tls://',
That's it.